New Philemonday ads reportings by Michel Lubac

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT // Our new Philemonday ads reportings are updated daily directly to the API of Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Analytics, Bing Ads, Search Console, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr and orthers big databases of ads server.

Gmail Sponsored Promotion by Michel Lubac

Ads at the top of the Promotions tab in Gmail inboxes ! It's a new display opportunity to target your audience. You can excpect a better CTR on your ads, because now you can consider making a Gmail-specific campaign.

That way, it's easier to make sure that all of your Gmail ads have the correct targeting
and aren't competing against yours others campaigns in search or display for example.

Gmail ads allow you to target users with sophisticated targeting signals and a high-impact, message-like ad format.

Users are shown a collapsed ad at the top of the Promotions tab in their Gmail account. The collapsed ad opens to
an expanded ad that can be designed to promote a variety of goals (including embedded forms or video).
You can also include links to an external site, app marketplace, or click-to-call.

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A new carousel for Facebook Ads by Michel Lubac

Carousel link adverts allow you to feature more products, services and promotions without having to create multiple adverts.
Use carousel link adverts to:
- Lower cost per conversion or cost per click
- Automatically optimise for your best creative
- Drive results across campaign objectives

Interactive rich media : Lightbox ad example by Michel Lubac

Interact with the "Kate Spade" rich media ad example, See how the "Kate Spade" Lightbox ad works by  visiting

Reach, captivate, and delight your potential customers with the Lightbox family of interactive ad formats. Lightbox ads are a suite of interactive rich media ad formats that help you connect customers with your brand message. Interactions in these ads can range anywhere from hovering the mouse pointer over an ad to expand the unit, to playing a video, and to tapping for content. The ad itself can be a large canvas that you use to promote your brand's message, whether the canvas is a video carousel, interactive game, or catalog.

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Marketing scheme of conncetd objects by Michel Lubac



The Internet of Things : an enormous potential in terms of digital marketing, to provide a detailed customer profile.

The demand for MEMS-based sensors will increase exponentially not only because of the ubiquity of smartphones but also because of the rising popularity of connected consumer lifestyle products. Examples of the latter include glasses, watches, wristbands, and other wearables that allow individuals to monitor their heart rate, activity level, calories consumed, or sleep patterns, as well as smart appliances that allow consumers to optimize their home energy consumption or ensure home safety through the use of remote controls.

In 2015 be responsive by Michel Lubac

Make it easy for customers to search and buy and find  your services or products online, it's more and more important today. Just consider this marketing digital study of consumers buying funnel of conversions.